
The Pre-Check Service is now fully automated!

The pre-check service is now automated for both students and reviewers! What does it mean for you? Now the pre-check process will be done way faster...

ManDEE at LEARNTEC Conference

Last week our colleagues Ekaterina Mikhaylova and Nicola Vollmar had a chance to make a presentation during Europe’s largest event for digital...

DEE Workshop: we are moving forward

The Digital Education Ecosystem (DEE) Project Workshop took place from 30th August – 1st September 2022 at the Norwegian University of Science...

Train-the-Trainer: English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is successfully over

The Train-the-Trainer event with the topic «English as Medium of Instruction» has taken place at FH Dortmund on 14-18th of November. The event was...

Pre-Check Service V2.0 is released!

Exciting news! We have just released a new version of our Pre-Check Service for prospective students. This innovative tool helps us to determine your...